
Why Choose the Raw Material of Tungsten Heavy Alloy?

Enjoy easier, better riveting with less fatigue. Tungsten bucking bars offer the maximum density available. These tungsten bucking bars are more than twice as heavy as an identical bar made of steel. The small size and high density makes these bars versatile, able to fit in small areas. All bucking bars have a full radius on all edges for safety and ease of handling.
Tungsten bucking bars are resulting in a bucking bar of the same weight but half the size. Bucking bars are used in rivet setting to upset the shank of the rivet gun. Tungsten bucking bars reduce the recoil when reflecting the impact back to the rivet gun shaft.Rivet guns vary in size and shape.
Higher density reduces vibration and kick back while bucking. Take a cue from the pros and use what they use. We carry a full line of standard tungsten bucking bars and can custom build bucking bars to your specifications. All bars have smooth faces and rounded edges and corners for ease and safety in handling.

