
What is Fishing Weight or Fishing Sinker?

Tungsten weights are an ideal, environment-friendly alternative to lead weights, which are toxic and increasingly being labeled an environmental hazard. Tungsten weights are harder than steel and extremely dense, tungsten being on average 30 percent smaller than its lead counterpart. Tungsten weights are smaller than conventional weights, create twice the sound of lead weights and maintain their shape for longer. Tungsten is also used in the production of other fishing applications, such as tungsten carbide line cutters and tungsten powder coating for fishing lines.
A fishing sinker or plummet is a weight used to force a lure or bait to increase its rate of sink, anchoring ability, and/or casting distance. Fishing sinkers may be as small as 1/32 of an ounce for applications in shallow water, even smaller for fly fishing applications, or as large as several pounds or considerably more for deep sea fishing. They are formed into nearly innumerable shapes for diverse fishing applications. Environmental concerns surround the usage of most fishing sinker materials.

