
Tungsten Alloy Fishing Sinkers

The Fishing Sinkers are large proportion (> 18g/cc), small size. They are against strong wind, light into the water, sinking fast, and are the best alternative to lead sinkers. The Fishing Sinkers are best-selling in Europe, the United States and other developed countries.
Tungsten heavy alloy fishing sinker or tungsten alloy fishing weight is a weight used to force a lure or bait to increase its sink rate , anchoring ability, and casting distance. Tungsten heavy alloy fishing sinkers may be as small as 1/32 of an ounce for applications, even smaller for fly-fishing applications. They can get as large as several pounds or considerably more for deep-sea fishing. They are formed into nearly innumerable shapes for diverse fishing applications.Unlike lead, environmental concerns do not surround the usage of tungsten alloy fishing weight materials.

