
tungsten alloy counterweight for aircraft manufacture process

tungsten alloycounterweight for aircraft is made of high-density tungsten alloy material; its main manufacture process includes mixing, pressing, sintering, post-processing and final machining. Raw material for tungsten alloy counterweight for aircraft is mainly selected based on particle size of tungsten powder. The same particle size helps to blend evenly, which ensures the density and properties for finished part uniformly. During sintering process, parts will be moved into the sintering furnace, temperature control is the most important thing.
Tungsten alloy counterweighs are not formed by a single element, but by a mixture of a variety of elements, including nickel, iron, copper, etc. After mixing and pressing, tungsten alloy material forms into the basic shape, and then after sintering and heat treatment process, tungsten alloy parts achieve the required blank product with high density and properties requirements, however, if there is a surface requirement, it needs to be final machined. More than 90% the proportion for other elements just works as a binder.

tungsten alloy counterweight for aircraft manufacture technique

tungsten alloycounterweight for aircraft is usually made of WNiFe, WNiCu or WNiFeCu, and added with Co, Cr, Mo, etc. to improve its properties for some other special application by the powder metallurgy technology. nickel-iron or nickel-copper is here added as a binder. Manufactured by powder metallurgy, tungsten alloy sintered material has a high density, high tensile strength of generally up to 900 ~ 1000Mpa, excellent elongation of 20% ~ 30%.
After strengthening through plastic deformation, its strength can be more greatly improved but the ductility will be decreased. The strength of tungsten alloy could be more than 1400Mpa and the elongation could be maintained at about 10% after plastic deformation. Besides, in the mid-1990s, people also use tungsten alloy material manufactured through powder injection molding technology and successfully adopted for civil and counterweight fields. The emergence of powder metallurgy accelerated the development and research of tungsten minerals. It is said that tungsten alloy powder metallurgy technology not only promote the rapid development of tungsten exploitation, but also changed the traditional single metal production status. 

tungsten alloy counterweight for aircraft application

tungsten alloycounterweight for aircraft could be used for ballast of airplane, which is also to be called as balance weight, weight balance, balancing. It is almost widely used for military airplane, offering outstanding performance as it needs a lot of weight and has to be packed into tiny spaces. Besides, tungsten alloy counterweight could be also used for automotive, helicopter, engines and wheel weights. The minimum weight requirements of airplane or the engine could give the designers the ability to create much lighter but stronger components in search high performance.
Tungsten alloy counterweight for aircrafts are designed to offset the weight of the rod and pistons, and are critical that the airplanes must be balanced to customized rod and piston combination. As tungsten alloy counterweight has heavy density, so adding tungsten alloy as balance weight into the airplane has good effected in optimizing the performance during the running progress, which contributes to the better control of the plane’s movement. Tungsten alloy counterweight for aircraft is the best choice for balancing. 

tungsten alloy counterweight for aircraft properties

tungsten alloy counterweight for aircraft is suitable for balancing in the performance of high specific gravity, high tensile strength, high hardness, good corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, good machining characteristics and oxidation resistance. High density is one of the outstanding performances for tungsten alloy counterweight, which has a density generally raging from 16.5g/cm3 to 18.6 g/cm3, which is equivalent to more than twice of the density for steel.
High-density tungsten alloy counterweight for airplane has a certain weight can be increased in the moment of inertia, especially when taking a sudden turn. Tensile strength and high temperature performance ensure tungsten alloy counterweight for airplane inside could make the engine working uninterruptedly under the high temperature and high pressure environment work for a long time, and will not be extended over time and degrade performance. High hardness can greatly extend the size of the plane used, but also saves costs.