
Tungsten Alloy Tennis Counterweight

Tennis player strikes the ball and seeks to achieve as much control as possible with the greatest force applied to the ball. This occurs when the ball is struck at a position on the strings known as the "sweet spot" which is the central area of the strings. Player attempts to hit the ball squarely with the racket head opposite to the direction of flight of the ball. No two players have identical swings and therefore two different players may swing slightly different with the same racket. Furthermore, since the tennis racket weight and overall structure is fixed after it is made; the only way to achieve a different arrangement is to obtain a racket having a different weight or weight distribution. Tungsten alloy sports products allows weights to be easily added at selected points of the racket that would improve a players overall swing. Selected weighting can be used to increase the weight of the head for a more powerful serve, but also to correct imbalances in player's swing. Tungsten alloy sports material is the best possible material in this case.

